
AI Tech Talent


AI Tech Talent – 線上與線下課程



  1. 用 HTML 和 CSS 繪製您的願景
  2. 掌握 SQL:解鎖數據庫的力量
  3. 前瞻性 AI 設計:超越界限,塑造未來
  4. 雲技術:掌握現代 IT 基礎設施
  5. 軟件工程、GitHub 和 Copilot 精通:構建穩健應用
  6. Django 強者:發揮 Python 網頁開發的全部潛力
  7. 機器學習前沿的掌握:原理、技術與應用
  8. 物體檢測與分割的深度學習解決方案
  9. Python 人工智能:利用 GPT 和 DALL-E 實現高級應用
  10. 金融未來的解鎖:AI 在金融科技和 Web 3.0 應用中的作用
  11. 使用 Kivy 的 Python 應用開發:構建視覺吸引的用戶界面
  12. 編程成功之路:Python 編程


  • 線上形式: 每週兩小時直播課程,總計 96 小時(每週二晚上 9 點至 11 點)。
  • 線下形式: 兩天全日特訓課程,進行面對面的深入學習。


  • 一年內可訪問所有課程內容和學習社群。
  • 付款後可立即開始課程!

課程介紹: [點此查看詳情]



AI Tech Talent – Online and Offline Courses

Join us for an exciting journey through the world of technology with our comprehensive courses! Whether you prefer online learning or in-person training, we have the perfect option for you.

Course Offerings:

  1. Paint Your Vision with HTML and CSS
  2. Mastering SQL: Unlocking the Power of Databases
  3. Visionary AI Design: Transcending Boundaries, Shaping the Future
  4. Cloud Technology: Mastering Modern IT Infrastructure
  5. Mastering Software Engineering, GitHub, and Copilot: Building Robust Applications
  6. Django Powerhouse: Unlocking the Full Potential of Python Web Development
  7. Mastering the Frontiers of Machine Learning: Principles, Techniques, and Applications
  8. Deep Learning Solutions for Object Detection and Segmentation
  9. Artificial Intelligence with Python: Harnessing GPT and DALL-E for Advanced Applications
  10. Unlocking the Future of Finance: AI in Fintech and Web 3.0 Applications
  11. Python App Development with Kivy: Building Visually Engaging User Interfaces
  12. Code Your Way to Success: Python Programming


  • Online: Two-hour live sessions every week, totaling 96 hours over one year (Tuesdays, 9 PM to 11 PM).
  • Offline: Two full-day intensive courses for hands-on learning.


  • Access to all course content and learning community for one year.
  • Start your journey immediately upon payment!

Course Introduction: Click here for more information



WhatsApp Image 2024-12-01 at 7.52.55 PM

I recently attended Dr. Patrick Khor’s insightful course on artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship. The program provided a high-level overview of essential tools for AI professionals, including Azure, GitHub, various Python IDEs, SQL, HTML, and UX/UI design. Dr. Khor also recommended pursuing the Azure AI-900 certification, which has given me a clear roadmap for enhancing my technical skills.

What truly stood out was Dr. Khor’s introduction to his entrepreneurial model. It seamlessly integrates technical tools and strategic planning, offering a structured yet adaptable framework for launching AI-driven ventures. This approach has been transformative for me, as it clarified my future path in AI and big data, providing not just inspiration but actionable goals.

The course has equipped me with the confidence to navigate this rapidly evolving field and pursue a meaningful career aligned with my interests. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to build a solid foundation in AI and understand its potential in the business world.

Edmond Chan

Airport Service Delivery Business Analyst in Cathay Pacific


多謝Patrick教授、Bruno助教同Edmond同學 🙏

呢次學AI嘅課程,真係令我獲益良多,唔單止學到好多新嘅技術,仲有好多啟發,仲識到啲好好嘅朋友 💡👫。

Patrick教授,好多謝你用Python教我哋AI嘅基礎 📊,仲分享咗你嘅創業經驗,令我大開眼界 🚀。你講過點樣用創意解決實際問題,仲教我哋技術一定要落地先有價值,呢啲都令我好有啟發 🧠✨。我而家對自己嘅目標更加清晰啦,我希望可以用Python同Microsoft Azure AI打造一個自動化嘅社交媒體平台 📱🤖,甚至構建一個Digital Twin系統,幫助優化運營策略 📈。你嘅鼓勵真係畀咗我好大信心 💪,真係由衷感激!

Bruno助教,你係一個好有理想、好有熱誠嘅年輕創業家 💼🔥,畀咗我好大啟發。即使我哋係Zoom上堂,你都好細心咁指導我哋 💻,幫我哋掌握Azure工具同AI嘅實際應用 🤝。仲要你分享咗自己創業嘅經歷,令我睇到AI唔止係技術,仲係一種改變世界嘅可能性 🌍✨。你嘅熱情真係感染咗我,真係多謝你!

Edmond同學,雖然我哋只係識咗短短兩日,但真係好開心識到你 😊。好多謝你同我分享咗咁多關於航空業前線嘅經驗 ✈️,仲有數據分析實戰嘅心得 📊,令我學咗好多新嘢 📚。仲有,大家一齊食飯傾偈嗰陣,真係好開心 🥢😄!我真係好珍惜呢段時光,希望我哋將來都可以用學到嘅嘢實現自己嘅目標 🎯!

最後,我真心推薦大家參加World Degree Limited嘅AI Tech Talent課程 🎓🤖。呢度唔單止有專業嘅教學,仲可以識到一班志同道合嘅朋友,一齊學習、一齊進步 💡🤝。AI係未來嘅大趨勢,宜家就加入,做一個擁抱AI嘅新智人啦! 🚀✨

再次感謝Patrick教授、Bruno助教同Edmond同學,呢段旅程對我嚟講意義非凡,真係多謝晒! 🙌❤️

Brian Chow

Programmer in the Government

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