
Professional Practice



The need to be
effective as a communicator, critical thinker, analyser, team worker and
interpreter is essential. Within the workplace these skills are needed on a
daily basis to show proficiency in designated tasks as part of a job role. The
development of academic competence, and also the continuation of life-long
learning and Continuing Professional Development (CPD), is required to ensure
that individuals have a valued set of interpersonal skills that can be applied
to any situation or environment.

This unit provides a
foundation for good practice in a variety of contexts. The ability to communicate
effectively using different tools and mediums will ensure that practical, research,
design, reporting and presentation tasks are undertaken professionally and in
accordance with various communication conventions.

In everyday life the
ability to apply critical reasoning and solve problems are necessary skills to
enable task resolution and facilitate effective decision-making. Working with
others in a group environment academically or within the workplace is an
integral part of everyday life. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of teams
in terms of culture, roles and responsibilities will ensure that there is a
better understanding and awareness of the importance and value of teamwork.

professional development, self improvement and working towards various goals is
an area that is encouraged in the workplace through the appraisals framework.
In addition, professional development extends into higher levels of learning
and the need to demonstrate effective research skills and academic reporting
skills is also required.

Among the topics
included in this unit are: the development of communication skills and
communication literacy; the use of qualitative and quantitative data to demonstrate
analysis, reasoning and critical thinking; and tasks that require the integration
of others within a team-based scenario and planning and problem-solving.

On successful
completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate leadership skills
through the dynamics of team working, and through reflective practice be able to
evaluate the contributions made as an individual and also of others. As a
result they will develop skills such as communication literacy, critical
thinking, analysis, reasoning and interpretation, which are crucial for gaining
employment and developing academic competence.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this
unit students will be able to:

LO1 Demonstrate a
range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target

LO2 Apply critical
reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.

LO3 Discuss the
importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working
in different environments.

LO4 Examine the need
for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace
and for higher level learning.


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